By: Mark Tillman
Projectiles in Grape Juice City are an instrumental part of our gameplay. Players score by splashing pedestrians with juice projectiles or having them walk through juice puddles. We have three 'express juice delivery systems' that each behave a little bit differently to spread juice around the world.
Bottles are designed to be a quick and easy way to spread juice around. When a bottle is thrown it will explode as soon as it impacts something and will spread a small amount of juice in all directions.
Cans are designed to be slightly more difficult to use than bottles are but spread a lot more juice. A can will bounce 3 times before exploding which makes it a little harder to aim, but it provides more potential for splashing pedestrians.
Juice Boxes:
Juice Boxes are more unique in that they are not thrown but spray juice directly. They are meant to be used up close to pedestrians to spray them directly rather than leaving puddles on the ground for pedestrians to walk over and be splashed by.
The juice droplet projectiles are handled by Unity’s built-in particle system. Each item has a customized particle system attached to it that is meant to provide different styles of gameplay for each. Players will have to decide which items to spend their fruit on based on what works best in different situations or maybe just what is more fun!